The Thursday before last we made "self boxes" in Art Therapy. Mine is really bright and glittery on the outside, but the inside is painted black.

Elizabeth and I went for a hike to some waterfalls and I drew a picture of them! Imagination is so fun to use!

I always take little water bottles home from PHP :) Also in the picture is the CD Amy helped me make for PHP.....aaaand H gave me a lemon! Aaaaand tricia gave me vanilla rooibus teabags cause she works at Starbucks! She is so sweet!

Sharks game photo ^
K so this weekend has been AMAAAZING! Well yesterday after PHP Amy and I wandered for a little while, over to the Cal campus and then it started raining so then we headed back and stopped in Starbucks and guess who we saw! Tricia! Yay :) So then we met up with Elizabeth at the MacArthur Station and made our way on over to Amy's (she lives in the inner sunset in SF) and we made rice, shrimp, and veggies for our dindin with milk, OF COURSE (cause we alllllways do our mealplan when we're together!) and then watched Whip It which was kindof funny. And we actually went to bed pretty early....then this morning we went to the Beanery and got bagels and cream cheese and juice, and then we went on a hike and it was SO GORGEOUS!!! Then we went down to the Glen Park neighborhood of the city, which Amy said reminded her a lot of Italy, and it was also a really amazing neighborhood, and we got lunch at a "local deli" (as Amy likes to say) and it was just blissful! Then I rode BART home and researched clouds and watched Federer kick Tsonga's booty in tennis which is my favorite sport to watch, and then I hung out with Carly and my SIL Sam and their friend whose name I have forgotten, and then I've just been hanging out doing whatever since then.
Lovely weekend!! :-D
Lovely weekend!! :-D
i love it all :)