Friday, December 25, 2009

a few things i've learned at PHP

things i have learned, which are important to note:
  • a person can have two opposing feelings at the same time, e.g. i can feel sad but happy in the same moment
  • my body DOES in fact use food and metabolizes it
  • as much as it is still hard to accept, and i am still questioning this one, and this IS the hardest one right now to be okay with, but being at a little healthier weight does not equal fat/ugly, even though sometimes i feel like it does
  • people in general are extremely narcissistic; just because my dad or mom is in a bad mood, it doesn't mean i have done something wrong. sometimes when someone around me is in a bad mood i automatically think it is because something i have done, when in reality it's usually something completely different.
  • i have learned a lot of things to apply as a mom. when my child needs to go for a walk, i would want to go and not turn back until they feel okay to do so. it's really important just to let my child talk and not tell them, "you SHOULD feel this way..." but instead, "i totally understand..." and "that must be really hard...." etc.
  • another big one is that when i am having a really hard time, those are the times i need to reach out to someone the most. like, i know it makes sense but i never really practiced it that i have, i totally get it.
  • feeling like no one around me is acknowledging my being is probably my biggest trigger...problem with growing up in a family of 7 kids...
  • the importance of being honest...
  • most of life is, in fact, not happy. but there are still happy moments. it's really okay to live a life that is completely honest...that things aren't sunshine and roses all the time.
There are a lot more. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I Love this blog and I LOVE YOU!!!! Im glad to see you have learned alot at PHP. Take FULL Advantage of the program, i wish i had more time there... ONe more thing, You ARE important!! you are an amazingly beautiful person with a genuine heart who DESERVES to be Happy! =]
