Friday, December 4, 2009

5 meals, 4 snacks

In a row.

Does. anyone. KNOW. how. hard. that. is.

Yesterday's breakfast+morning snack+lunch+afternoon snack+dinner (at Susan's, there was not a snowball's chance in hell i could have done it otherwise)+this morning's breakfast+snack+lunch+snack.

That is a whole TON o' food kids. I don't think ANYONE would like feeling so full. Like, I fell asleep right after dinner (during the movie) cause i just couldn't handle the conscious feeling of being so full. Gosssssshhhh i wish I could just impart that feeling to "normal" people. It's like, the most ridiculous thing ever.

So, you may be wondering, "She's been in the program for almost 2 months now, why is this a new thing for her?"

And the answer to that, I plead the fifth.

Major breakthroughs today man.

But as of this moment, I do love life.

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