Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Song :)

This Labor Day weekend has been really great. Friday evening John and Amy went elk scouting up on Cedar Mountain, and so I tended the lil 'uns til about 10:30 p.m. when B-rad picked me up and we headed to St. G-izzle. It was definitely a spur of the moment thing, and with anyone I have ever dated in the past I would have declined the invite, because I was so tired!, but I always want to be with B-rad and I'm so glad I went. So we got down there round about 11:15 and we went hot tubbing with three of his old mission friends: Amy, Petty, and Lynn. It was really fun! Came in around 12:30 and er, B-rad and I went to bed around 3:30 a.m.....(edited those three hours for viewer content hahahahahahaha) But really, we are doing really really well in that area so don't even fret.

Saturday we played rock band all morning, then B-rad and I came back 'cause he had to work at 1:15 p.m. and I was going to see Julie & Julia with my friend Kaelee. It was REALLY cute!!! I'm so glad I got to see it!!! Kaelee is way way cool, too. Anyway, then that afternoon just got random crap done and watched the news and some of the football going on and I forget all the stuff but B-rad got off work later that evening and we watched most of Pirate's of the Caribbean with his brother Hank who I think will be a great b.i.l.
Sunday was good...both yesterday and today I've gotten some great sleep :-D Anyway, went to church with B-rad. Sunday School was really good! Lol, I say that because let's be honest! Sunday School in a student ward can sometimes be hard to pay attention to! After church took 'nother nap. MMMMM love Sunday naps. Went to his house for dinner. Man, I can't even TELL you how good I am doing this weekend. Because I love him and he helps me so much. Ping pong afterwards. I love playing ping pong with him. Then game night. Then we actually came home around 10:30 and talked in his car for quite awhile (yes, we WERE actually talking).

This morning I talked to meina mutti (german for my mommy) for awhile and talked about engagement stuff. But also about how amazing it is that B-rad is so right for me. Like, not many guys could handle what I've thrown out at him. And he has helped me so much. And so today I was listening to Pandora and the song came on that B-rad sang to me. It's called Your Guardian Angel by Red Jump Suit Apparatus and I literally started crying. Like, my feelings were indescribably strong for how much I love him.

Today= visiting B-rad at work with a girl I met at church yesterday! :-D Anyway I have to go do that like, er, NOW, and I am not even ready....uh oh!

Love you.

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