I've been entertaining some ideas about what to share on this fine Thursday afternoon, and after some thought I decided that you dear people would want to know about "the outside" of what makes Me, although small details you can gather from reading older posts; for example, that I am from the Bay (holla atchya peeps). Anyway, today is a list-kind-of-day (what day isn't? I love lists!).
1. Biology major. I love science. Incredibly fascinating to me. Not difficult. But I mean, now that I think about it, I really just love learning in general. This semester, my German class is my favorite. Love history. Love English. Er, like math but sometimes it is hard for me to understand. Love music....this seems like it could be more than one item on the list....
2. I speak Spanish.
3. I believe purple laffy taffies are one of life's great pleasures.
4. Did an internship in South Carolina summer 2008. One of the best and worst experiences of my life.
5. 2nd of a whopping 7 children. Our fam is epic.
6. I believe cloud watching is something that should be done regularly. (Today we learned the German word for cloud! Die Wolke.)
7. In life for realsies it makes me really uncomfortable talking about myself for too long. In 7th grade I distinctly remember making friends in P.E. and I didn't share anything about myself for the whole first semester! I am learning though that it is important to do that! There is a balance between being self-centered and super closed I guess. :-/
8. I totally pick up on other people's little weird behaviors (the ones I like), and I don't even know if they know it! Two examples: B-rad's hand gesturing. Well, actually I won't share the other one cause it's just so weird!
9. I play OBOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE yeah check that fools. It's pretty much the ultimate instrument right up there with harp and cello.
10. Size 7.5 OR 8 feet. Relatively small for someone 5'10" but my mom has small feet. Never pierced ears or anything for that matter. Dyed my hair for the first time this summer, it turned out FAB thank you very much. :-D hahahahahaaaaaaaa.
Predict tonight to be not so great. Today has been not so great. Like I mentioned yesterday?, had Gah-roop yesterday. Me no likey mucho.