Oh me oh my, where do I begin!? I have not been this happy in a long time!!! Everything in life is amazing. Seriously. I was never one for sappy love stories or butterflies in my tummy or even believing that those kinds of feelings were really, truly out there. I was always one who was skeptical of girls imparting their experiences and thinking, "How lame, insincere, and just plain sappy."
But alas, it has happened to me. I never thought it would. Ever. And now all I can say is, it is AMAZING and EVERY girl should have the opportunity to feel this way. Let me give you a rundown of the past few days:
Like I said in my previous post, B-rad and I drove up to Salt Lake City on Thursday afternoon. He picked me up from work at about 3:30 p.m. and off we were. We had the BEST time EVER! We sang our hearts out to Backstreet Boys (more on his singing later!). We talked about important things, like how we feel about interpersonal communication styles and we talked about the book "The Five Languages of Love." Wonderfully enough, we both have the same primary love language. And trust me, it works out ;-) But we really had the most amazing conversation on the way up. Anyway, so we get to the reception and it was fun! It was fun hearing him speak German and meet his mission companions, and there was lots of yummy fruit! The reception was really nice. Thereafter, we skiddadled on over to Temple Square where we picked my momma up from a music conference event and then we all went to Spoon Me! :-) and B-rad and my momma chatted and then we dropped her off and started the drive back to C. City from the SLC. Again, the drive was amazing.
B-rad SANG TO ME. ACAPELLA. Can you say heart melt?
K. So we got back Friday morning at 3 a.m. Next day at work, he comes and visits me. What did I do after work that day? I am trying to remember. But I can't? Hmm! Weird. But when he got off work at 11:30 we hung out and watched Dan in Real Life and *sigh* he brought me back home around 1:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Don't stop reading yet! So that was The First Kiss. Oh, it was beautiful. It was Perfect.
At this point, you can see how I would be slightly sleep deprived. Usually, if I feel tired even a smidge I will politely reject any social invitations. But, no. 7:15 a.m., Saturday morning. B-rad picks me up (he had to wait a few minutes, I needed to brush los dientes), and we head up to Provo with his parents and older brother Hank. This was the first opportunity I had had to meet the 'rents, and they are fantastic! His mom is the loveliest little lady and his dad I can tell has lived a fun life! So, anyway, Provo was way fun. While they took family pictures, I got to spend some time with Justine and we walked around the park and talked :) Promptly thereafter, we had to leave because B-rad had to work at 3:30 and I had to babysit from 4-8. So then we each did our individual things (babysitting went splendidly, of course...told the kids a made-up story about a snail named Murphy who was a ping-pong player), B-rad and I hung out again! We went over to his good friend Riley's house. Riley is married, and Amber and I get along really great! We watched Les Mis, even though I was falling asleep kinda at the end. But I LOOOOVE that movie, and I love that B-rad loves it, too, and he loves all musicals :-)
Sunday: Church at 11, he picked me up. We both shared our testimonies in Sacrament meeting because on our lengthy drives, we had discussed quite a few gospel concepts, which is such a great way to prepare to bear one's testimony. I don't know if people thought it was sappy or not that we were like, sitting next to eachother and rubbing eachother's backs and we got up almost in succession (he went before the person before me). I felt like it felt perfect, sitting next to him in church with his arm around me. We laughed together during the hymns. We whispered. Everything about it is wonderful. After church, we had dinner with his family. Fireside that night. Same deal-- laughing, talking. That night we went over to his sister Tiffani's house and played Uno Attack. I won one! Then, they went to watch The Next Food Network Star and we went again to Riley's house and Amber and I made blondies and then we watched Brian Reagan.
Oh oh oh! But do not forget! Before we went to Riley's, we went on a short walk up Northfield Rd (because Riley and Tiffany both live in apts along there), and we went on swings and B-rad put his hands on my hips and kissed me and told me he really wanted to be exclusive. Hmm. Ok, obviously I said yes. He took me home at midnight.
Yesterday, (Monday), he was worked closing and I was planning on going to a baseball game with some friends from the ward (which was EXTREMELY FUN!) but before Heather, Kaelee, B-Hen, Johnny and I headed to St. G, I left B-rad a note and some Starbursts in his truck :-) Upon his discovery of candy and note, I recieved the following text (ok, try not to gag):
"I have the most amazing, fun, good looking, positive, friendly, sweet, thoughtful, outstanding, nice, loving, incredibly girlfriend ever!!!!" (exclamation marks were also included)
*Sigh* So then, of course, we couldn't go a day without seeing eachother, so got back from the game at 11:30 p.m. (The RoadRunners won!!) and then he picked me up on his moped at 11:45. We talked. We planned.
We have a million fun things to do planned. He brings out the best in me. He compliments me like, on everything. We have so much fun. Oh, last night he also sang to me :-) Every girl deserves this.
We have a million fun things to do planned. He brings out the best in me. He compliments me like, on everything. We have so much fun. Oh, last night he also sang to me :-) Every girl deserves this.
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