Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back-to-School Blues

Well, okay, so I'm not really blue. I think this was actually the first time I was able to tear myself away from Home without having a mini-breakdown upon the time of departure; however, I am a little sad this amazing summer has come to a close and the school year and everything else that entails is upon us.
But before all that school nonsense, I'll share a few highlights of the trip home:
- Wicked in S.F. at the Orpheum was amazing; being there with parents and almost all the kids was beyond words.
- Going through the archives of my childhood and all the momentos: ticket stubs to plays and movies and talent shows, hundreds of birthday and thank you cards, receipts, report cards, schoolwork and more schoolwork, tons of old clothes....It was so fun! It made me feel like before I left for college I had such an enriched, great life, and I like I was a really good person. I used to have so many deep connections with people. What happened to that?
- Visiting Mrs. V! :-D
- Going on walks with my mom in the mornings.
- Seeing all my brothers and sisters and S. Stier and J Sava and everyone in my home ward of course!

It was a fun, but short, trip home.

--Gear Shift---

Got back late Sunday night to C City. Brady came over :) I gave him a present and he gave me a SUPER warm soft cuddly amazing blanket that I love. We talked and stuff, it was really good. Then Monday we were able to hang out again! Went to FHE, went hot tubbing, Monday was a great day. Tuesday was good cause I got to see Comedy of Errors with Amy at the Shakespeare festival, it was SO FUNNY! I would probably recommend that one out of all the ones I saw this season.

Anyway, the big thing I wanted to get to was last night. Brady got off work and I went over there around 9:30. Two big things happened. Are you READY for this! Well, we were downstairs talking and I knew he had something to tell me. He started going on about how amazing he feels like I am and then he said he loved me! So yeah, that big L word.
Then, I finally shared all the unwonderfulness about me and he took everything really great about the ED and everything is really open and we talked about it for a long time and I told him if he ever wants to ask me anything about it that he should and I gave him a short history and yeah. It was far.

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