So, I'm still kindof getting this thing started. I promise, in the future, there will be a plethora of pictures from my real life and that will make everything just so much more interesting (sarcasm). Anyway, today I would like to address an issue that has been on my mind for a few days. And that is the fact that I have an ego about what kind of shoes I wear! OK, who doesn't?! Next time you're at the mall, count how many people you pass who are wearing Converse shoes; your counting skills need to be adept because trust me, you will be counting some pretty high numbers.
Now, next time you go to some public place, count the number of people who are wearing PF Flyers. Hardly anyone. And that is why, to me, they are awesome. I love wearing my PF Flyers. (I have a natural colored pair and am getting a new red pair in the mail today!)
At any rate, an update on life. Things are suuuuuuuuuuuuuper amazing. I wish this summer could last forever! Saw Harry Potter 6 last night with H. L. and B.C. It was really fun to hang out with them. Tonight I am babysitting for a girl I work with. Tomorrow morning nannying. Work. Tomorrow night doing O Chem w/ Darren for long hours. Saturday I am tutoring my boss's daughter in algebra. And Saturday night I am nannying again.
Not much else going on.
I guess, on a final note, I'll conclude with some thoughts that go along with my blog theme of getting run over once in awhilein the game of Frogger. You see, sometimes the metaphorical "truck" that runs us over can sometimes be our own thoughts and ideas, criticizing ourselves or just being really hard on ourselves! For me, it used to be a lot more subconscious, I wouldn't even realize I was doing it! And I know that it's like that for a lot of people. But (I think it was) yesterday, and I just very momentarily glanced at a picture of myself from graduation and just had some really bad thoughts about how awful I thought I looked in it and it was really depressing! Sad, huh? And moments later I targeted those thoughts as being really unconstructive (is that a word?), and that it was a metaphorical car that squashed me and made me feel all bad. (A car because it wasn't as big and bad as a truck ha). Anyway, I think it helps to realize when we do this to ourselves so that we can stop it from happening in the future :)
Peace yo, i'm out. (Probably to continue looking at really cute clothes :-P )
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