Oh yes, because that is always, unquestionably, what the first post is equivalent to. It is like an awkward meeting, one in which you know the person you're meeting has already heard about you, but you have no idea what they're like, and you have heard about them, but your persons do not have anything in common, and the Silent Moment happens, and beyond that it is just a get-me-out-of-here situation.
But hopefully blogging won't feel like that for long. :)
It just seems that way because in one's first blog post, one typically begins by explaining why they started a blog in the first place, yadda yadda yadda...then they generally continue with what they want to write about all the time, etc. etc. etc. and what their blog is meant for, i.e. "an emotional outlet," a "place to share recipes," or, the classic example, "to record the daily going-ons in our growing household that is filled with love 24/7." Well, seeing as I am not using this as a tool to share recipes (although I cannot guarantee that will not happen at one future point or another), and I am, in fact, not using this blog to share the details of a growing household, I don't really have a specific goal in mind for my (hopefully) many posts yet to follow. I can, however, guarantee your readership satisfaction in that it will be unmatchably interesting and that my every word will have you dying for more!
But really, why the frogger blogger? OK, when I was in my youth, oh-so-long-ago (err, a few years, maybe?), we had a pretty old school game AKA Frogger. And having spent hours upon hours trying to beat it (which never did happen, incidentally), I know a thing or two about getting squashed. Running into obstacles. Hopping onto lily pads to try to get to the other side, only to realize that it is NOT a lily pad, but rather a dangerous alligator ready to bite your head off! EEEK! Anyyyyway....
That's the dealio.
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