This morning, took the lil kiddos to the library. We read. We loved it. They were so good, in fact, that we then went to
D.I. and the kids picked out some $.50 toys. Being with them brings me back to the simple things in life. Seriously, they get super excited over such small things! It was really fun just looking at toys and playing with them in
D.I. hahaha. I am pretty grateful to have such awesome jobs this summer.
Ok, so quick rundown of the past week 'cause it has been one of the best weeks of the best summer so far. So I saw C-Bunch on Tuesday like I said, and then last Wednesday a bunch of guys from my ward got together (at this AWESOME house) and we watched Bandit's on a projector. I totally recommend that movie! It was really original and way funny. Anyway, one of the guys there was Brady, one was Jacob (one of Brady's BF's), and David (Jacob's older brother). We had tons of fun hanging out!
Okay, so then Thursday night I hung out with Devin and we played a game called Nardy; it's very similar to backgammon and he got it in Armenia on his mission. We played til about midnight! Way fun! Anyway, he invited me to go to a concert with them on Friday night, but I had already told Amy I would watch Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 with her Friday night. That was alright...sometimes it is frustrating dealing with her time schedule, but it worked out and it was totally worth it 'cause I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! Haha...
K, so then Saturday I babysat from 2-7 which was wonderful and I just adore spending time with those kids!! They are so dang cute and we had loads of fun traipsing around downtown Cedar and the SUU campus :-)
Blah blah blah, okay, so Saturday night I got to go see Henry V at the
Shakespeare Festival here in town! David (one of the guys I hung out with on Wednesday) took me to go see it and it was REALLY good. Like, seriously good. I was pretty worn out from the long day, and the play was three hours long, but the actors were phenomenal and I am totally lucky to have had the chance to see it!
Sunday...OMGOSH this day was super super good. So Brady and I had been texting back and forth a little bit since the first time we hung out (last Wednesday, 6 days ago). We ended up going to the fireside together (which was remarkable, by the way) and then around 8 a bunch of guys (mostly the same people from the group last Wednesday) were getting together to play
Apples to Apples! It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. There were like 10 people total I think? Brady, Jacob, David, Fish, Brian, Deb, Rachel, Shari, and me. Ok so 9. And yeah, it was pretty much an awesome time had by all. We played til midnight and then Brady, Jacob, David, and I went to Wendy's (after the Sabbath ;-)). Yum. We ate at a park with swings and then we were all pretty tired to I went to bed. SUPER fun time.
Yesterday was also amazingly fun. Double whammy in the morning seeing J (which was the best, like always!) and then C, the D. C was not helpful, UGH. I could practically feel the frustration dripping off her...she is definitely an ED virgin. So will I see her again? Hmm, probably not. But I won't see J again for 13. more. days. That's a long time. Boo :(
Ok, so then went to lab where we took some rotten-egg smelling acid and refluxed it with some ethanol to make pineappley smelling stuff!!!! Isn't that so cool!? Tell me O chem isn't cool. Me=nerd maybe a little bit? You know you like it.
THEN, GUESS WHO I GOT TO SEE!?! MY MOM AND CAT! (Short for Cathryn, the baby of the family). lksndflksndflksnflknsd it was great to spend an hour and a half with them. For REALLSSSSS. Cat is soooo big now and SUPER TAN AND DARK!!!! Definitely an inspiration for me to tan more hahaha. *Sigh* It was amazing seeing them : ) Talked to my mom lots and we went to Garden House for lunch and Brady was our server :) Him and my mom talked in German because they both went to Hamburg, Germany on their missions. I was sad that they had to leave so soon, but my mom had to get up north for her BYU music conference. It will be phenomenal going home on the 13th...I get to stay for 10 days!
Anyway, that is mostly everything that has happened in the past week. Last night=FHE and Bachelorette! and tonight is the Bachelorette "after show." Goooood times.