Friday, April 16, 2010

today: soooo not feelin' it. or anything, actually.

i'm scared right now. falling into a HUGE rut. soooo no bueno. no no no no bueno. if things go back to how they were, that will be soooo not good. everything was sooooo awful. but there's SUCH a strong pull to it. it's extremely depressing applying for tons of jobs and hearing nothing back. it's also extremely depressing hanging out at home for too long. UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGH. i feeeeeel soooo trapped in my own head. no bueno no bueno no bueno.


  1. Oh man stay strong Diana I don't want you going back to that awful place it is no bueno! You will hear something back soon I know it sucks but you will. You are smart and talented and you are going to find something. I am in this lull of life right now and the thing that helped me most was finding people to spend time with and exploring the world around me and reading and trying to learn new things. Love ya!

  2. keep at it dianatron! i believe in you! :) can't wait to see you monday. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
