last night i slept over @ amytron's :D it was sooooo goood to see her and we had a greaaaaaat chat. it was 'zactly what i needed. she def helped me make a life decision. we role played and practiced her assignment, talked 'bout relationships and how those are going, how we are doing in general...how much i miss h :( which was good cause she understood. one of the few. ummmmm we called some of our peeps! which was good! chloe called me back this morning and said our message almost made her cry! which was very very sweet. hmm what else...she showed me pics of a cute lil baby! it was just really really great to see her. next week on monday i get to see her again, happy day! k k so then this morning while i was waiting for wizzy to come into the city i went to the library and read. i'm reading a really good book called The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. suuuuper good. wizzy came and we went to union square and people watched!!! it was soooooo good to see her; we also talked for a long time about tons of different stuff. i <3 my peeps so much!!
what else what else....
i got to see h last week on thursday. was sad to leave :(
two job interviews. i'll update 'bout those later.
seeing JH tomorrow...more excited to see tricia!!!!!!!!
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